Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm Not Through Yet

I just got word last night that my Uncle Edgar died in Rome, Georgia. This follows my Aunt Elaine whom we buried on Saturday in Jonesboro, Georgia.

As I prepare for what to say at my Uncle's funeral I realized what a lucky guy I have been through the years. I have been close to all my Aunt's and Uncles. I had 18 in all. It is down to 5 left. The years fly by. But as I was saying, I've been lucky. We have all enjoyed each others company, been close to cousins, and had many memorable years together.

For over 30 years the Phillips side would meet at Christmas time. We only stopped 3-4 years ago when health issues prohibited it. But I've been lucky because of the example set by my aunts and uncles.

Uncle Edgar, who just died, and I held a unique position in the Phillips Clan. Each year when the 20-30 of us would meet for our annual get together only Uncle Edgar and I were called on to pray. Usually he did it, but from time to time they would let me do it. I guess, he, being the patriach of the kin folks, was the official prayer and I was sort of his assistant.

The last time he was called on to pray he was suffering from dementia and began a lengthy prayer that seemed to go on endlessly. My aunt Edith, his wife, realizing the length of the prayer began saying Amen. Amen. To which he responded, "I'm not through yet."

Not a bad motto for a Christian. "I'm not through yet." So I go back to Georgia, say a few prayers, and reminisence, and then I say, "Thank you God for these wonderful aunts and uncles who have been a part of my life."


Bro. Dan and "I'm not through yet !"


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Christy Amular said...

Your post really moved. me.Thank you Dan.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Dan Phillips said...

Fran thanks for the prayers


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