Sunday, October 29, 2006

Let Me Help You Vote!!

Let Me Help You Vote!!
Originally uploaded by brotherdan44.


"Let’s encourage our members to get out and vote. Each election is key. The Tennessee Marriage Amendment is on the November 7 ballot. It specifies the only legal marriage contract in Tennessee as one man and one woman. While there is already a law on the books, a constitutional amendment gives it greater standing. Tennessee law is quirky on constitutional amendments. Instead of a simple majority, an amendment must garner one vote more than one-half of all votes cast in the gubernatorial race. Therefore, if someone votes for governor and doesn't vote on the constitutional amendment, they are, in effect, voting no. The Tennessee Baptist Convention has a Web site with information on"

This morning as I arrived at church the Save Marriage sign was on our church property. Isn't it great to have a wonderful sign like this to help us vote ! In the 2004 elections 9 states (you might check me on the number) who voted for Bush had this same amendment on their ballots.



At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dan?? you ARE being tougue and cheek... RIght?

At 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SAVE MARRIAGE--You gotta be kidding. Jesus DON't need our help to save marriage. Geez, I don't believe Jesus would even vote! You have made a travesty of the Christian faith.

At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

from the outlaw --- hear in tn we have a flake named ford running for the senate. When the snappy blonde said harold come and see me he responded, "Yes, I was at the Playboy Club at the Super Bowl. I like football and I like girls."

Yes you should vote republican cause they like boys !! Lowry is my idol !!

At 6:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would Jesus Do? I remember how he always hated hypocrisy. Seriously, I doubt he would even vote. He would have called this an exercise in Caesar practice.

I remember the story of the woman accussed of adultery. The church leaders were ready to stone her today. Jesus talked to her with kindness and turned to the crowd and said, "He that is without sin cast the first stone !"

As a friend said, "with your Save Marriage Sign, you are saying to gays you are not welcome here."

Yes, we have confronted the gospel and come up wanting. Our choice: Save Marriage or Save Souls. Which shall it be?

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save marriage? Marraige needs to be saved from heterosexuals who botch it over 50 % of the time now. A sacred institution? No. It's an institution - made for man, not man for the institution. We've been happily married for 56 years and welcome anyone into the wonderful blessings it offers and delivers on. Gays are welcome.

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can tell you this: If my church posted a freeking sign in the front yard telling me HOW TO VOTE, I'd leave that church faster than a speeding bullet. Are BAPTISTS free to be their own priest, to think with their own mind, to read the scripture and interpret for themselves or do we need some funDAMNmentalist telling us how to think, vote and beleive?
-w (that's the little w, not the BIG W!!)

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Ron Phillips said...

Unfortunately, there are those who were duped in the last election. Let's hope that they won't be again. Most who follow the hollow words of the faith based initiatives of the BWH know that these same kinds of ploys are only to get elected, not act as christians or a christian nation.

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was not aware that God was either a Republican or a Democrat.

At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You all need to read David Kuo's new book, TEMPTING FAITH. He was the BWH's man for the faith based initiatives that W promised. He has a very telling story. Kuo is a born again, Bible believing, Christian who says all Believers should take 'fast' from the political scene. The politicians are USING Jesus. Wake up. Get his book.

Dan, have a great weekend. Let's catch up when you get back!

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And so you have crossed the line.
Or perhaps I just never understood you.

You once wrote: God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges.

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Dan Phillips said...

Yes, guess I have crossed the line. I am just glad the election will soon be over. I am so tired of the lies and innuendoes from both sides. And I am pretty imperfect. I don't always take my own advice. I get trapped in my own sinful nature. Thanks for reminding me God does not throw us away ! Good Advice.



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