Sunday, May 13, 2007

Westminister Abbey

We went to th 3 pm Evensong Service, quite a contrast to our morning
service at Westminister Chapel. Everyone was silent at the Abbey
listening to the organ's prelude that ended in a great cresendo as rhe
choir arrived. Ones whole boady was touched as the organ's base music
swam through our body.

"This is a place for prayer and meditation," said the program. I was
touched by the beautiful music and quiet. Three men in their 70s,
wearing red robes with blue collars sat in the 3 chairs next to the
choir master. They slept soundly through the sermon then awakened enough
to take up the offering.

After church we walked along the Thames, went to Traflagar Square, and
found a shortcut through St. James Park to our hotel. We hunted 84
Charing Cross Road to no avaible. It is one of my favorite books. Our
legs were given out. A wonderful bath and now it is time for sleep.
(Pictues are of me at Traflagar Square and Winston Churchill)


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