Monday, January 11, 2010


What is the target? Your purpose? Who are we trying to please and why? That when the dying are ending their journey is that there is someone beside them to say goodbye. That those who are lost might have someone to hold their hand. That those without purpose might have someone near who can show them the light.

In extraordinary times the last view is always a glance at the eyes. The journey has many turns. One must surrender to the journey and wait.

Vision is easily lost and replaced by the do as I say rule of others. A true visionary sees something else, an awareness beyond knowing, a distant dream, a distant hope. Our reruns are our destruction. Without understanding we wade backwards and find ourself drowning. We must always be looking in the distance for the new route. A way beyond understanding. In the distance.......


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At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Sherri McFerran (Russo) said...

Today (January 18) begins the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity ... but the challenges are greater than ever. Why?
Recently I came across a blog post from 2005 that perhaps explains it best:
a personal essay by Sr. Thomas Halpin, FSP)

"It is a strange era that we are living in as Christians. We find ourselves in a world of confusion and compromise. There are time when we come face to face with a dilemma that we'd much rather back away from. It's so much easier to look the other way, to pretend it's not happening. Maybe we should just admit the chaos and move on from there.... But it seems that some issues demand a statement, an honest response, a non-negotiable.

Be that as it may, in our current climate it's frequently politically incorrect to advance the "cause" of truth. It's much easier to be mediocre. To not "pronounce ourselves" so often seems the more practice and safe way.

And yet there seems to be a general convergence coming upon us today. The essential question are inescapable: Is there objective truth? Can it be applied to life? Or is truth merely a matter of personal choice or taste? Is SELF the real norm to live by? Which is the way to embrace?

Recently the issue of same-sex marriages has come to the fore. Isn't that going altogether too far? Probably not, it you're only looking at it in light of the cultural climate we live in. "Well, what about same-sex marriage is the real problem, if there is a problem at all?" Is a moral issue like this a matter of opinion on the same plane as "What dress shall I wear?" or "What shall I have for breakfast?" Is there something so fundamentally Christian and Catholic about this issue that it immediately triggers an emphatic response from us? The bottom-line question is: Are there absolute, unchanging moral principles Jesus wants me to base my life and decisions on, and, if so, why? I think that is the question we all want to ask, yet we are immediately confronted with current cliches like "Everyone is free to do whatever they want...."

When we embrace Christianity we embrace the totality of who and what it represents. Faith is the fundamental factor here. Do we or don't we believe in Jesus Christ? That's the first question. The second is: If we believe (as an essent of mind and heart to all he did and taught), do we really intend to follow him without compromise? These are two rather loaded questions, yet they need to be answered personally in the depths of each of our souls."

The Manhattan Declaration seeks a TRUE Christian unity, stating that certain truths are foundational to human dignity and the well-being of society, and that these truths that are inviolable and non-negotiable:
1.the sanctity of human life
2.the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife
3.the rights of conscience and religious liberty.

The Manhattan Declaration website is
and it can be signed here

Best regards and Blessings,
Sherri McFerran (Russo)


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