Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tuesday Preparations

On Saturday we leave for a 5 day trip from Oakland, California, to Los Angeles. We will be traveling down highway 1. We are looking forward to the trip. Then on Saturdya of that week I will probably go to Clinton, Tennessee, for the opening of the Cultural Center, or museum, recognizing the high school I graduated from and its position as the first school in the United States to integrate. You can read all about it at Green Mcadoo Cultural Center. A new film will premier about the event 50 years ago !!!

Some thoughts I have written recently in my journal:

Don't read the book, read your soul, then a small chapel will become as big as the heavenly dome itself. (Emerson)

Prayer is like the embrace of a lover.

True prayer is usually experienced as tears, surrender, or forgiveness. (Richard Rohr)

We should see in others the reflection of God's image.


At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

REFLECTION OF GOD.....'If we do not love man, whom we can see, how shall we say that we love God Who is unseen?' I think of Mother Teresa who saw Christ in every afflicted one that she loved and served.

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BRO DAN .... Bless that trip...enjoy.

At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

THOUGHTS ON PRAYER......Some writers make prayer sound like it is difficult. It is difficult when we make it so. There is no need to complicate the simple union with God. The silence of another person whose presence we truly enjoy is not a burden...so with God, just being in His most loving Presence is an immense joy to the soul. No need for lots of words...they just get in the way.

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SPIRITUAL COMMUNION........There is a very beautiful practice called 'Spiritual Communion.' It means simply, that, in spirit, we hurry to that place where God dwells...wherever that may be...in a grand cathedral or a simple chapel, in highest heaven or elsewhere, no matter. There, we rejoice to be in 'communion' with the gentle welcoming Christ and to find much peace and joy and comfort in that union. He bids us welcome, day and night. We are never intruding.

At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DON'T READ THE BOOK.......Read your soul. Great thought, Dan. Too often we get into the author's mind rather than our own. In our own hearts, He is whispering great words of wisdom and beautiful insight. We cannot 'hear' if our inner ear is full of something else. He simply tells us 'I come everyday...pay attention...do not miss what I have to kindly and gently impart.'

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ABOUT TRUE PRAYER........Imagine yourself going to Christ with a sheet of blank paper and pen. You ask Him to write the prayer that you will say everyday. Tell Him that you will sign your name and be faithful to that prayer. Just imagine. A prayer that is full of God and full of His intents for us...and truly in accord with His loving will...completely in harmoney with what He would be pleased to hear from us each day. Heard this in a talk along while ago...remember it like I heard it yesterday. So completely full of God and not of self!

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JUSTICE......About the school and integration....God bless all who are on the side of justice. I was in the Army, Canp Polk, Louisiana in the early fiftys, and what I saw there shocked me. At Camp and in the towns nearby. Very obvious unequal treatment. Our Declaration and Constitution are such beautiful and touching words...when will our actions start to match our words?????


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