The most well known monk at the Abbey of Gethsemane today is Father Matthew Kelty. Father Kelty is 89 years young, soon to be 90. Each night, after Compline, he shares devotional thoughts with the retreatants. Ranging from poetry, to sermons, Father Kelty weaves a spiritual harvest of God's spirit in people's lives.
Father Matthew Kelty's homilies are on the Abbey of Gethsemane's website. They are well worth reading. Why not check them out !!!!!
This is an excellent article about Matthew Kelty in the Louisville Courier Journal.
Do any of you have memories of Father Matthew? Are their ways he has blessed your life?
Father Matthew - just deep wisdom, that's what I think of. Every time I've sat in one of his post Compline talks I've been faced with a man who has lived it and who knows some of it, for real. He's not pretentious at all. He doesn't have to be. He simply shares what's going on inside him and that generally reaches out and finds company in your heart. That would be a Spirit of God thing.
Big white Nike tennis shoes peeking out under his habit, that Boston accent, glancing back at the Jesus hanging on the wall there and talking to Him as he talks to us, never looking at the people sitting there as he talks - I think of those things. I need to make an effort to get back over there soon. Thanks Dan.
Fr. Kelty has heard my best confessions. He brings your soul right to the surface so that you can talk about your deepest concerns. He is a great soul.
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