Sunday, October 21, 2007

Father Carlos

Father Carlos has returned to Gethsemani. Got a chance to see him on
Friday. (Gary Brown left, Father Carlos, myself on right)


At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless the Trappists and all who practice hospitality....'When the guest comes, Christ comes.' In some monasteries, the table is set in the guest room as soon as dinner is is a way of implying 'Surely you are welcome also for the next meal.' or 'Don't go away yet.'

At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let all who come, be received as Christ coming to visit. We love Him Whom we cannot see...BUT we also love the one who knocks at our door and stands here before us.

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hospitality............How many times have persons found the peace and strength they needed at a certain point in their life because they were welcomed with Christ-love. Housed and fed and loved and respected. In New York State, about fifty miles north of Manhattan, the Franciscan Friars have a place for homeless men...often homeless because of alcohol or drug addiction. Some are just down on their luck and can't get on with life. I met one man there. He came and stayed and worked to help the friars in their repair work. When he died, his family would not come nor did they care about his burial...Jim is buried in the Friars cemetery along with the priests and brothers of the order. Talk about 'hospitality.'


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