July 6,2013....Summer Rains
It has rained for 3 solid days. The sun came out at 5:30p.m., in time to hear about the airplane crash in San Francisco and the continued Egyptian uprising.
It has not been uneventful this spring/summer. We went on a Baltic Sea Cruise on the Vision of the Seas. We stopped at Tallin, Estonia, St.Petersburg, Russia, Helsinki, Finland, Stockholm, Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark. Food was good. It was fun seeing another part of the world.
Our Air-conditioner tore up, $8000. Car needs towing. Can't find replacement lightbulb for the kitchen. A tree fell on our pontoon. More happening, costwise, than I like.
We have been having fun with grandchildren, boys aged 2 and 5. We went to the zoo. I was exhausted from that experience.
Tomorrow is Sunday. We will be studying the excitement of Hezekiah's life.
I got my blogger fixed so hope to blog more.