Wednesday Morning
Two more work days until retirement. I sleep an hour and a half later. I am eating buttered toast with Grandma Honey's homemade grape jelly and drinking a cup of coffee. It is raining outside and I am watching the squirrels and the cardinals fight over the bird seed.I have put up a baffle to keep the squirrels from eating all the food, but I spilled some and the squirrels are happy again.
What does one do with a day with nothing planned? I am working on a routine. For starters I will put the dishes up then go and do my Bible Studying. We start a new lesson series on Sunday, in 1 Kings. The introduction is always the most important part to begin.
Cuddles (doggie) is cuddled up in the corner. He is napping this early. I am sure he will enjoy the companionship, not being alone each day.The winter of life is a new experience. A day's journey is different, more un-planned, not as to-do orientated, less bells and whistles.My bucket lists grows shorter. I lack only one state, North Dakota. Maybe in the spring I can go up there, but not in winter I am told.
Today I am working on the third proof pages of Spiritual Journaling. I am excited about my book being published, hopefully in the early part of the new year. I guess if anyone asks, "what do you do for a living," I can say I am a writer.
The journey begins. Blessings from Bro. Dan